ENTREE | Profile | Ava Collins
Ava Collins

Ava Collins


Data Analyst

Python Specialist

About me

Ava Collins is a data analyst with a strong background in Python programming. She enjoys using Python to automate data analysis tasks and create dynamic data-driven applications.



Data Automation



Data Cleaning

My Projects

Automated Data Cleaning Script

Automated Data Cleaning Script

Developed a Python script to automatically clean and preprocess large datasets, saving hours of manual work.

Data Visualization Toolkit

Data Visualization Toolkit

Created a Python-based toolkit using Matplotlib and Seaborn to generate insightful visualizations for business reports.

Web Scraping for Market Research

Web Scraping for Market Research

Built a Python web scraping tool to collect market research data from various e-commerce platforms.

Sentiment Analysis on Social Media

Sentiment Analysis on Social Media

Used Python's NLP libraries to analyze social media data and determine the sentiment of customer opinions about various products.

Sales Forecasting Model

Sales Forecasting Model

Implemented a time series forecasting model in Python to predict future sales based on historical data.